ED 101-Aim for Excellence | University of Portland

ED 101-Aim for Excellence

The course earns students one academic credit towards graduation. Course curriculum focuses on learning, reflecting, and practicing the skills needed to thrive in college. Only first time freshmen may take this course during the fall semester.

If interested, on the Registration and Advising Survey you should mark yes to the question "Are you interested in Aim for Excellence (ED 101)?". Registration for this course is not guaranteed as there may be a limitation to the number of students. If you have questions about this class, you can contact the Shepard Academic Resource Center.

One former student said: “I have learned many valuable life skills so far in Aim for Excellence.  One of the best lessons I’ve learned so far is that I am not alone. Seeing that others around me have the same fears, worries, and struggles made me feel like I had people I could approach and confide in.”